Vets2 Synergy Section 508 Remediation
Applying the principles of user-centered design and usability, Vets2 Synergy has extensive experience developing websites and web-based applications that are accessible to people with disabilities and compliant with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, amended by Congress in 1998 to require Federal agencies to make their electronic and information technology (EIT) accessible to people with disabilities.
Both public and private sector companies must keep Section 508 compliance at the forefront of their development concerns.
Section 508 compliance is deeply integrated into Visual Connection's development processes so that the end result is a customer accessible experience. We use a combination of techniques to ensure compliance in the design, implementation, content authoring, quality assurance and maintenance phases. These include
- Automated tools for validation of content and code (NetCentricCommonLook, Bobby)
- Manual techniques to assess presentation, code compliancy and readability
- Assistive technology to apply tools used by persons with disabilities to verify accessibility (JAWS, MAGic, Dragon Naturally Speaking)
Using these techniques in concert allows us to create a holistic approach to achieve Section 508 compliance, as well as to perform remediation as necessary.